Erica Ashley's Commentary:

Posted December 10, 2021 (user submitted September 16, 2009)

Concord Mall is Elkhart County's only indoor shopping mall. It has steadily gone downhill in the past decade with many stores (including Wards, MCL Cafeteria, K-Bee Toys, Sam Goody, Fox Jewelers) closing up in recent years. The closure of Sam Goody has left the mall with no music store. In the middle of the mall sits what once was a huge unique working fountain, but it has been shut off for about 15 years, and they planted fake palm trees in there instead. There is an old KMart store on property that the mall owns (sitting adjacent to the mall itself) that has been vacant for over a decade. They have tried to "revitalize" the mall with a new website and a Food Court, but the food court only contains one restaurant with three empty spots and it has been open for almost two years.

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